National Quality Accreditation (NQA)
is a role model in the field of quality
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

The office is classified as the fastest growing in the Middle East. The National Quality of Accreditation (NQA) is also accredited by more than one authority - to carry out work in all agricultural, industrial, commercial, scientific, health, research and social fields and activities. Therefore, the office has gained the trust of major clients in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. the middle


Facilitating international trade

 Facilitating international trade by providing its services from third-party audits and granting international quality certificates.


Providing audits

Providing reliable audits to ensure that international standards are fully met


To help organizations/institutions

To assist organizations/institutions in achieving goals and continuous improvement of operations.

Quality is the guarantee of success

Check your Certificate

A quality certificate is an investment in your professional future. It will help you achieve your goals and achieve success.

Objectives of National Quality for Accreditation (NQA)

ISO QMS Logo - شعار شركة الجوده الوطنيه
Our vision
Our goals

National Quality Executive Management Speech for Accreditation

ISO QMS Logo - شعار شركة الجوده الوطنيه
Executive Management

National Quality for Accreditation

National Quality Accreditation (NQA) is a national accreditation body accredited by multiple international bodies and a representative of the global body LSQA ME in the field of Global GAP & FSSC22000 & BRC GS. The National Quality Accreditation is currently conducting accreditation by the Saudi Accreditation Center for quality management systems and food safety in a wide range of fields, including manufacturing, services, products and systems. The quality systems that the office accredits are based on a set of international standards, such as ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 22000:2018.  GLOBALG.A.P & BRCGS & Accreditation of quality systems by the National Accreditation Bureau (NQA) has many benefits for organizations, including improved quality, increased efficiency, improved productivity and increased customer satisfaction.

الجودة الوطنية للاعتماد

Some quality systems that the office adopts

Quality systems adopted by the office

Why do customers choose National Quality Assurance (NQA) for global conformity certificates?

NQA maintains a simple approach to the audit and certification process with the highest priority being placed on the requirements of the office’s clients. Implementing this philosophy is what sets NQA apart from others. We add value to our clients’ certifications and in doing so, grow our reputation as the certification body for most professions and fields in the world.


The office offers all training programs accredited by IRCA or by international accreditation bodies


The National Quality of Accreditation (NQA) provides scholarships and educational scholarships to the office’s clients, and the English language learning program in Australia is considered one of the office’s most famous programs in this field.

Training courses offered by the National Accreditation Office (NQA)

The training courses target quality managers and employees interested in quality management. Training courses provide participants with the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to develop organizations’ performance in the field of quality management, including planning, implementation, monitoring and improvement skills.**

Some of our success partners

News and Events

حصول مؤسسة الجودة الوطنية للاعتماد على رخصة تعيين جهة تقويم المطابقة و الاعتراف و الاعتماد من الهيئة العامة للغذاء و الدواء السعودي
The National Quality Institution for Accreditation obtains a license to appoint a conformity assessment, recognition and accreditation body from the Saudi Food and Drug Authority

The National Quality Institution for Accreditation has obtained a license to appoint a conformity assessment body and to recognize and accredit the Saudi Food and Drug Authority in the Quality Management Systems Certificates for Establishments as a conformity assessment body.

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